Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010

The 11th hour

There are too many of us, using too many resources, too fast.

The film “The 11th hour” written by Nadia Conners, Leila Conners Petersen and Leonardo DiCaprio came 2007 in the cinemas. This movie shows us different points of views from very well know scientist, environmental activists and Nobel Prize winners. They all give us their opinion about the climate change and how we can change in our life.
In the documentary there is layer a special view on the economy and how we use the resources of the nature. It can be clearly seen that after the industrial revolution the whole life on earth changed. We now see us not as a part of the nature and use the resources like never before. And in the change we forget that we are a part of the nature and that is not a resource which can be used as if it regenerates it by itself. In this section there is one particular resource of our life presented, the oil. We use it everywhere it is getting a big problem.
Another huge problem which is mentioned in “The 11th hour” is the climate change, also known as global warming. This problem effects everybody of us because of the climate change we lose “the control of the nature” we cannot do anything to get back the control.
As can see all actors are trying to show us what happens when we continue living like that. We will ruin our own biotope. They try to wake us up and say that we have to change our live. We have to invest in renewable energies and if there is something wrong we have to look inside our self and try to change it, because we are responsible for the world and not the other way round.

In my opinion climate change is a topic that is interesting for everybody because it is influencing our whole life and our economy. The best example can be seen in the fuel prices they go up and down, it depends on several factors. And in the future they will only go higher and higher because the resources are at one point expended. This will be the point where we see what we did so far with our nature. We take THE resource for the humans, and the question will what happens then?
So we have nowadays already to look for alternatives, but not any solution is good. We have to look for solutions which save our world. They must be environmentally friendly and the must help to stop the climate change, so that people can live a long time an acceptable life on the planet earth.
And we cannot give the responsibility for that to our government; we all have to do something against the change. We have to start saving energy were it is possible, we have to lower our CO2-emissions as far as possible, we have to look deep in our self and say what we can do to help the world, because we are all responsible for it.

Dienstag, 5. Januar 2010


Healthcare – YES WE CAN?!

Healthcare is a basic human need, and Michael Moore tries to give us a different point of view on the American healthcare system in his documentary Sicko, which had his premiere 2007.
Normally you would never think that there is a different healthcare system than our system. We have an insurance which gives us a basic healthcare without paying for it.
In the USA there is a different healthcare system. It is based on large insurance companies, who decide if you get healthcare or not. Furthermore these companies decide if you get insurance or for what you get it.

Michael Moore starts his documentary with some examples of the disastrous American system. He shows us examples that people have to pay enormous bills for minimal healthcare.
After he had showed some examples how bad the American system is and how it works, he goes to the neighbour country of the USA, Canada.
It is so strange for him how the system is only few meters away from some boarders. People get healthcare without calling the insurance, people get it immediately and the most important fact, they get it for FREE, the state is paying everything.
Michael Moore is a bit confused about what is happening outside his country. He meets there some of his relatives and they show him that the always buy some extra insurance when they leave the country, even if it is only for one day, because they know the American system and think that there is no trust in it.
As a conclusion of the documentary you can see that Michael Moore is against the American healthcare system in the USA, because he knows that there are better systems.
He tries with Sicko to open the eyes of the US government, so that they change the whole system and everybody gets a basic healthcare for free.
In my opinion it is very important, that everybody in the whole world gets some basic healthcare from the state, especially the poor people. And I think it is not normal that in one of the strongest countries in the world the people have to pay enormous sums for there healthcare.
I think the USA should change their whole system about healthcare. They should make bills against the selection method of the insurance companies, or even better they should ban the companies and start with companies which are owned by the state, so that the state can control them and the whole system.
As an example the USA government should take the European systems, because they give basic a free healthcare for everybody. Furthermore these systems are controlled by the state, so that they can not change the contributions and rules for giving insurance as they do it in the USA. In addition the people would feel much more comfortable and would more often go to the doctor, when they do not have to call the insurance company before that.
The change in the system would also have an influence of the life expectancy of all people. As in the film said the Canadian people have a three year longer life expectancy than the Americans, because of their free healthcare system.
So all in all it can be said that the American system needs a refurbishment which would help everybody. And for that they should take the European or Canadian systems as an example.
But with the election of president Obama there should be a reform of the healthcare system, at least it is planed. What it will bring we will see, but Obama says: YES WE CAN, so maybe they can or the can not, we will see what the future brings.